[Consortium] Call for a redesign of the Made in Linux Vol.1cover

Ivica Ico Bukvic ico at vt.edu
Thu Nov 9 13:46:35 EST 2006

Thanks Daniel for chiming in!

> Just to recap, the original cover art featured a synthesis of Tux and
> the famous portrait of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara by Alberto Korda. Reason -
> both are black and white icons with three letter names. I thought it was
> amusing, and only very mildly subversive. Is free software
> revolutionary, in the broad sense of the word? I believe it is.

Yes, but this particular outreach component is, as you have also pointed out
below, primarily about art. Hence the dilemma.

> However, some of the US-based contributors felt that this modified image
> would cause trouble for their careers, at the educational institutions
> where they work. Yes, really, 45 years after the Bay of Pigs disaster.
> So the image was changed but the title stayed, becoming somewhat
> orphaned from the cover concept.

Point well taken. Yet, this in and of itself could've also detracted from
the core idea of the project which was and still is art.

> I personally don't care what it's called - it's the music that matters.


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