[linux-audio-dev] simultanious access to audio input

Robert Ross robertr at tzi.de
Fri Jul 11 11:32:01 UTC 2003

My appologies for what is probably a naive and confused question...

I need to allow multiple programs/processes to take data from the same 
audio device at the same time. My initial imprtession is that audio 
devices are still set up only to allow one process to access them at a 
time. Is there some way to allow multiple processes to take input from 
the same audio device at the same time?

A playback analogy might be how normally you can't have two processes 
play8ing data at the same time, but ARTS can take multiple audio streams 
and then play them out throug the one device.

Many thanks for any advice you can give...

Robert Ross
Mail   FB3, Mathematik-Informatik      Deptartment of Mathematics
        Universität Bremen                   & Computer Science
        Postfach 330 440                University of Bremen
        28334 Bremen                    P.O. Box 330 440
        Deutschland                     28334 Bremen

Phone  +49 421 218 7129
Fax    +49 421 218-3054
Web    http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~robertr
Email  robertr at informatik.uni-bremen.de

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