[linux-audio-dev] Can software authors make allowances for packagers?

Jan Weil Jan.Weil at web.de
Mon Apr 19 08:42:05 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 09:23, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 09:50:55 +1000
> Conrad Parker <conrad at metadecks.org> wrote:
> > packages using automake should only set AM_CFLAGS, AM_INCLUDES, AM_LDFLAGS
> > etc. in Makefile.am. Resetting CFLAGS, INCLUDES, LDFLAGS etc. is a bug
> > (which I've also been guiltly of many times :)
> I often do:
> 	CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall-sorts-of-warnings"
> Is that OK? Note that it only appends stuff the CFLAGS, it does not modify
> stuff that is already there.

It potentially _does_ modify stuff that is already there.
If someone puts a '-w' (inhibit all warning messages) in CFLAGS your
'-Wall' will result in the opposite.
The last occurrence of an option on the command line counts so

	CFLAGS="-Wall-sourts-of-warnings $CFLAGS"

would be better but it still does not meet automake's rules of not
touching user variables.
Stuff like warnings are not really evil but imagine you'd append a '-O3'
this way. It would no longer be possible to make sure that the compiler
does not apply any optimization by calling 'make CFLAGS=-O0'.

So if you asked me I'd say yes, it's still a bug. :)


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