[linux-audio-dev] Re: linuxaudio.org

Daniel James daniel at linuxaudio.org
Thu Jan 15 11:50:22 UTC 2004

> i'd like to make a few things clear, first of all, how come there's
> a mailing list called p-consortium which isn't mentioned on the
> site?

consortium-p was set up as a temporary list. I think the p stands for 
Preparation. If it's not mentioned on the site it's because I haven't 
got around to setting up proper lists yet. 

In the next few days I hope to set up a mailing list for consortium 
members and another for the management board, as it comes together. 

> How can i subscribe?


I warn you though - if you're looking for cabalistic material you'll 
be disappointed. We're currently discussing T-shirt printing.

> Can i read all discussions that happened  
> there - is a mail archive available somewhere?

Yes, there is the usual Mailman archive.



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