[linux-audio-dev] Project: modular synth editor

Iain Duncan iainduncan at telus.net
Fri Jan 16 08:25:16 UTC 2004

> On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 02:53:18PM -0800, Iain Duncan wrote:
> > I think the way to make an inter app modular really useful and new would
> > to use Jack for *ALL* signal passing including control signals as CV
> > emulations by passing a DC signal through Jack ( as say an equivalent of
> > Csound krate signal or a hardware modular control volt signal.) If the
> > modular was some sort of framework for interconnecting apps and plugins
> > controlled by midi and Jack DC signals, one could actually accomplish
> > kind of flexibility possible with hardware modulars and still be able to
> > incorporate other work.
> can be done in gAlan if you have the CPU Power.

Could one use gAlan with other synthesis components this way? Ie a Jack
controlled gAlan oscillator running into say a Jack controlled PD filter
etc? For instance, this capability would not be all that hard to add to
Csound ( I think there are people planning on it after Csound 5 ) whereby
one could intermix high res control signals between say PD and Csound using
Jack as the modulars wires. IMHO, another all in one project would be far
less useful then enabling disparate modules to cooperate at a really tight


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