<div dir="ltr">Carl, yes...it is not easy to break into this strange world of linux audio programming.<br> I'm a newbie myself...and while I have never used libsndfile directly, I will be doing <br>that over the next two weeks. So I can share my own experiences with you. <br>
<br>I'm assuming you know C/C++ and coding with that on Linux(?). The libsndfile homepage<br>is this (you've probably seen it already): <a href="http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/">http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/</a><br>
<br>I found one helpful code example too: <a href="http://parumi.wordpress.com/2007/12/16/how-to-write-wav-files-in-c-using-libsndfile/">http://parumi.wordpress.com/2007/12/16/how-to-write-wav-files-in-c-using-libsndfile/</a><br>
<br>Let me know if that was helpful...<br><br>------- -.-<br>1/f ))) --.<br>------- ...<br><a href="http://www.algomantra.com">http://www.algomantra.com</a><br>