Just a quick note here for those who may want to 'RT' their Debian Lenny, and the sheer enjoyment that will no doubt bring.<br><br>Using the Kernel for Dummies debian build system (thanks fellas), Alsa 1.0.19, no OSS, vanilla 2.6.26, and Ingo's patches, all went reasonably well. (32bit)<br>
<br><br>*****PLEASE NOTE, no women, children, animals, hungarian polka enthusiasts, or those poor wretched souls using Vista, were harmed during this build....*****<br clear="all"><br><br>Booted up ok, but got a kernel failure whilst cranking up my multi app script.<br>
<br>Narrowed it down to Linuxsampler.<br><br>When i removed LS, and Libgig, then reinstalled, the failure went away.<br>All other apps played ok, with no probs.<br><br>I can only guess that my compile options needed renewing, from generic to RT, but no real hardship, and it didn't take long.<br>
<br><br>I'm passing this on, in case anyone else builds an debian RT kernel, and gets a kernel failure notice, once the OS is up and running, and linuxsampler is started.<br><br><br>Alex.<br><br>p.s. Have to say here, that debian 5 is excellent. Even with my clumsy machinations with the RT build, it just keeps going, and doesn't do silly stuff when assailed with multiple 'user errors.'<br>
<br>Built like a tank.<br><br>:)<br><br><br>-- <br>Parchment Studios (It started as a joke...)<br>