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<font style="" face="Arial">Man, This discussion is too good not to stick an oar in. As far as Fons goes, the <br>forwarded mail is simply stoking the flames. I have a few email from him, privately, <br>that are extremely derogatory of anybody on this list with artistic instincts and he might<br>also consider keeping his private messages as such. Fons had just got back from<br>yet another pizza party, he says, so perhaps he had another bottle too many and<br>his fingers ran away with him (before he flames me, I am also guilty of this at <br>the very minute although I went for a curry and it was definitely hotter than parma).<br>Fons has a tendency to talk a lot of drivel, then at times be unbelievably lucid<br>although I am not convinced this mail fell into the latter. His message tends to <br>be more succinct in those cases.<br><br>Anyway, enough of hassling Fons, he contributes too immensely to Linux Audio<br>to heckled more than he is due.<br><br>The message I did want to give, before I got sidetracked by what could have been<br>a reasonable message to him (and I am pleased he forwarded it since it was firstly<br>quite funny and secondly embodied a number of things I have wanted to say to him<br>in the past but lacked that same clarity of expression), was that either you do make <br>software freely available or you don't. If you can't let go of what you have created <br>and let it go its own course then it was a mistake to put it out there to start with. If <br>you really want to consider the legal alternatives then please just release your code <br>on MacOS, then release it on Windows and finally sue yourself. That would be fun <br>and it would at least leave the rest of us to get on with what we are doing.<br><br>Either embrace the concept or don't get involved. <br><br>Open source, publicly released code is just that. You put it out in the public. You <br>let the cat out of the bag. There is no point in going bawling to some non existent<br>legal 'daddy' to change that fact. Either do release or don't release it but please,<br>don't look for sympathy from the open source community for the pain inflicted by<br>somebody else picking up what you have done and improving/butchering/charging <br>for the same. Unix is littered with failed lawsuits. <br><br>The code is out there.<br></font><br>"we have to make sure the old choice [Windows] doesn't disappear”.<br>Jim Wong, president of IT products, Acer<br><br><br><br><br>> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 22:33:48 +0200<br>> From: fons@kokkinizita.net<br>> To: linux-audio-dev@lists.linuxaudio.org<br>> Subject: [LAD] Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond<br>> <br>> While I'd normally respect the private nature of any<br>> message, this one goes well above any reasonable limit<br>> so I do feel free to quote it:<br>> <br>> ----- Forwarded message from laseray@gmail.com -----<br>> <br>> From: laseray@gmail.com<br>> To: Fons Adriaensen <fons@kokkinizita.net><br>> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 16:29:23 -0400<br>> <br>> On Monday 27 July 2009 16:11:54 Fons Adriaensen wrote:<br>> > On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 08:33:30PM +0200, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:<br>> > > welcome to the linux audio developers' community, thanks for joining<br>> > > this list.<br>> ><br>> > (and lots more)<br>> ><br>> > While being away to have dinner at some nice place in the Italian<br>> > countryside I've been musing about writing to prof. Keller.<br>> ><br>> > No need to do so as Joern has basically said everything I'd wanted<br>> > to say. But I want to repeat his welcome, and would want to reassure<br>> > Bob that most of us are considerably less corrosive and rude than<br>> > the one member he's had to deal with up to now.<br>> ><br>> > Kind regards from hot Parma,<br>> <br>> Hey, go fuck yourself. Is that corrosive enough for you?<br>> <br>> You should keep your mouth shut when you do not understand things.<br>> <br>> You rude insulting bastard.<br>> <br>> ----- End forwarded message -----<br>> <br>> -- <br>> FA<br>> <br>> Io lo dico sempre: l'Italia è troppo stretta e lunga.<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Linux-audio-dev mailing list<br>> Linux-audio-dev@lists.linuxaudio.org<br>> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-dev<br><br /><hr />Share your memories online with anyone you want <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/middleeast/windows/windowslive/products/photos-share.aspx?tab=1' target='_new'>anyone you want.</a></body>