Hey again,<br><br>Sorry about list-bombing, but this project got the MIDI in me excited..<br><br>./configure && make && sudo make install all fine, harry@audio:$ arpage = gui pops up.<br><br>Now for the less tasty part, the GUI doesnt fit on my screen. (15.4" laptop running 1280x800).<br>
I can see the top 3 arps, ALT-click revealed the 4th one.. <br><br>Suggestions:<br>1: Perhaps "Squish" the GUI a little? (dont know how your initializing the widgets, no experience with GtkBuilder.. yes im still using glade..!)<br>
2: Put arps 3 & 4 beside 1 & 2 it would fit better (widescreen.. :-) Provides problems if user wants more arps after that.<br>3: Put one arp up as default (or 2?) and have an "Add Arpeggiator" button in the window? Might be<br>
a extra work for implementation, even though it seems your using an array: uis[] (main.cpp:99)<br>to hold the each arpui instance. <br>4: Place all Arpui's into a scrolled window. Means that you can NOT see them all at once, but you can get to all of them.. (not userfriendly IMO though)<br>
<br>Im not really experienced with arps and arp-y music so I cant really comment on "how well" it works.. I did work though!<br><br>Ill be keeping an eye on this, cheers -Harry<br><br>PS: I set up:<br>VMPK -> alsaJackBridge -> Arpage -> jackAlsaBridge -> ZynAddSubFx <br>