Alex Stone:<br><br>I do electronic music. Which means I cannot just "record" a song. If I record some TB-303<br>kinda line and I have all the cutoff filter tweaks I made in real time and recorded that to audio in Qtractor,<br>
and later I want to, say, omit a note or change the cutoff automation, I cannot do this with audio. I<br>have to rerecord everything and since Qtractor does not have automation, I actually have to re-perform<br>the whole thing.<br>
Ardour has automation but no midi.<br>So making an electronic kinda track is very tough.<br><br>Paul Davis:<br><br>Very well said. This is why I am asking questions. At the same time I am throwing in my thoughts, so that<br>
you, the devs, could see what musicians might or might not need. Perhaps I do not know a 100% what I want,<br>but some things I do know.<br><br>Of course, my blank statement was an incorrect generalization, I agree and will try not to generalize in the future.<br>
It is also evident to me as well that I am very new to linux audio, this is why I generally do not post to this list ;)<br><br>Basically, the kind of music I do is based on manipulating sound through effects, sweeping filters, vocoders.<br>
So to me it is important to have automation and at the same time to go back to any moment in the song and change<br>something. In other words, I need to have the song in "development" mode. Atm, I do not know how to work in, say,<br>
Qtractor and not render things to audio in order to work with them, same with Ardour. If Ardour gets midi maybe this is<br>going to change.<br><br>Anyway, all of the above is just my workflow. Might no be interesting to anyone else, of course.<br>