Indamixx Digital Download only $29.00 for LAU and LAD<b><br></b><br><a href=""></a><b><br><br></b>Hope this makes it through the approval.<br>
<br>Thanks to everyone in the Linux community for helping with Transmission distribution. <br><br>There is a special price for LAU and LAD of $29.00.<br><br>Transmission includes ArdourXchange, and LinusDSP for Atom chips (netboks).<br>
<br>Simply use the code LAU or LAD to receive your discount.<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br>Look forward to another great you and thanks again!<br>
<br>Ronald Stewart<br>Creative Director<br>Trinity Audio Group Inc.<br>9854 National Blvd. #322<br>Los Angeles CA 90034<br>213-915-6020<br><a href=""></a> <br><br><a href=""></a><br>