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01.jan.2010 :: axonlib v0.0.0 :: the pioneer axon<br>
new year, new plugins, new framework, new plans, new ideas<br>
a full refresh/reboot, and a call for response, testing, contributions,
a single <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axon">axon,</a> with
all its branches taken together, can innervate multiple parts of the
brain and generate thousands of synaptic terminals.<br>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axon_guidance">axon guidance</a>
(also called axon pathfinding) is a subfield of neural development
concerning the process by which neurons send out axons to reach the
correct targets. axons often follow very precise paths in the nervous
system, and how they manage to find their way so accurately is being
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_axon">pioneer axon</a> is
an axon that lays down initial growing path for the axons of other
neurons to follow.<br>
current features:<br>
- c++, free, opensource, ..<br>
- cross platform (inux/win32)<br>
- cross compile (gcc, mingw, cygwin?)<br>
- small/tiny (around 100kb (uncompressed) for a plugin)<br>
- standalone/vst<br>
- with or without gui (x11/gdi, double buffered, low/medium-level gfx
- hierarchy, window, container, widget, canvas, surface, bitmap, png, ..<br>
- simplified vst:<br>
- create a plugin with just a few lines of code (usually just one cpp
doProcessMidi/Parameter/Block/Sample/State/Transport/CreateEditor.. etc)<br>
- the dll/so stuff (you can forget all about it, handled internally)<br>
- host sync, transport state changes<br>
- voice manager (for polyphonic synth)<br>
- parameter/widget connection<br>
- editor (layered on top of base vst handling)<br>
and a lot more smaller things i probably forgot..<br>
work in progress / partially implemented / coming:<br>
- simplified compilation (scripts, batch files, ide-setup)<br>
- programs/banks<br>
- dsp-graph / modular<br>
- fill in the missing bits and pieces, tie up the loose ends<br>
- tcc, embedded c-compiler (capable of compiling the linux kernel, use
external dll's etc)<br>
- fft, goertzel, transients, wavelets (daubechies, haar)<br>
- cellular automata<br>
- optimizations, simplifications<br>
- alpha blending/transparency (especially x11)<br>
- opengl?<br>
- ladspa/dssi/lv2 (linux)<br>
- neural networks<br>
- more optimizations, simplifications<br>
- playful audio exploration and experimentation<br>
- thinking outside of the box<br>
- being different for the sake of being different<br>
- (alpha/beta-) testers<br>
- ideas, thoughts, comments<br>
- contributions<br>
- especially for the platform specific stuff<br>
not wanted:<br>
- highbrow, academic, know-it-all, politically/religious correct, rules
or dogmas<br>
current plugins (src & .dll/.so):<br>
- ana_sigview (signal viewer/oscilloscope)<br>
- fx_blur (delay/blur)<br>
- fx_cutter (beat synced cut/repeat slices)<br>
- fx_dist (distortion)<br>
- fx_dynamics (dynamics, compressor)<br>
- fx_envelope (midi controlled audio envelope)<br>
- fx_freeze (freeze/repeat audio slices)<br>
- fx_grains (grain cloud/delay)<br>
- fx_moddelay (modulated delay, flanger/phaser/chorus)<br>
- fx_split (frequency band splitter)<br>
- fx_svf (state variable filter)<br>
- fx_tempodelay (host sync delay)<br>
- fx_waveshaper (waveshape/distort)<br>
- fx_wgtavg (weighted average/lp)<br>
- midi_ccaudio (midi cc -> audo)<br>
- midi_fibonacci (fibonacci note generator)<br>
- midi_notelen (midi note length controller)<br>
- midi_syncdelay (delay midi until next x beat/bar/..) <br>
- midi_transpose (midi note transpose)<br>
- syn_binaural (binaural beats generator)<br>
- syn_perc (lofi/glitchy percussive synth)<br>
- syn_plucked (plucked string)<br>
- syn_poly (polyphonic synth)<br>
ported plugins:<br>
- <a href="http://web.mit.edu/tbaran/www/autotalent.html">autotalent</a>
(pitch tracking/correcton, ala autotune)<br>
- freeverb<br>
<a href="http://neolit123.blogspot.com/">liteon</a>:<br>
- liteon_lofi<br>
- liteon_tilteq<br>
new plugins added almost daily!<br>
some of these might not be proper, finished plugins in the normal
sense, at least not at the moment, but more like examples, tests,
prototypes, or perhaps starting points for your own plugins, ... but
they will grow and expand, getting new features and bugfixes as needed
(or requested).. so feel free to give suggestions, thoughts, ideas..<br>
more info:<br>
- <a href="http://code.google.com/p/axonlib/">google code hosting</a><br>
- <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/ccernnaudio/">ccernn.audio</a><br>
- <a href="http://cernthskei.wordpress.com/">ccernn</a><br>
excuse my non-perfect english<br>
if something looks/sounds weird or wrong, ask, don't just assume<br>
and, yes, there are probably some mental conditions running amok here.<br>
medication could help<br>
- ccernn<br>
also, some clarifications about the legal/license issues with a
combination of (l)gpl and the vst sdk would be appreciated..