.hmmessage P
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> you want the user's input line to remain intact<br>> instead of being broken into pieces by the output.<br>> This could be even more important in case the<br>> interface is a single line Braille 'display'. <br>> <br>> I once had some nice code solving this, but it<br>> was written for my then employer, and I can't<br>> use it in open source projects.<br><br>That is a good point. A text based interface is quite an abtraction<br>of something that has been written to be a GUI which means <br>debug output may well be useful. Since that does damage the<br>display, with or without brail, it does beg the question as to whether<br>it could be 'rewritten'.<br><br>It could be done with some IO redirection pipes, suitable code in <br>the 'raw' IO channel to understand where input came from using<br>a bit of extra select() in there to bring the channels back together <br>and apply suitable output depending on where the different CR <br>were, or that incomplete user input lines were rewritten after <br>each debug line? And then a bit of NL->CRNL for the raw mode <br>interface.<br><br>Not something I would want to code for a prototype but is <br>unfortunately something that could better be coded in advance<br>than bolted on the end?<br><br>Nick.<br> <br /><hr />Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. <a href='https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969' target='_new'>Get it now.</a></body>