Hey James,<br><br>Lots of idea's going around there anyways.. Thats great.<br>Its been a while since I've been appealed by the "custom widget" craze,<br>but you got me intrested enough to relpy... <br><br>
I quite like the way one can write custom widgets in GTK. It involves some<br>small steps, but once you've got your head around them (maybe you already have)<br>its quite fun.. :-)<br><br>I've set up one folder in my programming dir call gtkmmWidgets, lots of small / medium sized<br>
widgets in there. Can throw it into a tarball and mail it to you if you like. Small Demos:<br><a href="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8g0da9Fi3pA/TBfSivPpmlI/AAAAAAAAADI/6EUPFQPd60I/s1600/Screenshot.png">Random Widgets</a><br>
(You may notice the "screenshot tear" in the "midi-editor"... to humans its not like that!<br><br>Anyway, where can we find out more about your project? I'd have some MIDI / JACK MIDI gtk<br>example code aswell if your intrested.. (cant garantee its all correct, but it works at least..)<br>
<br>Cheers, -Harry<br>