Hi Developers.<br /><div id="sig"><br />I have more as one sound players on my system mplayer, vlc, qmmp ...<br />Each of em uses jack output , for example 2 independent instances of mplayer<br />mplayer -ao jack -srate 16000 '/home/alf/mp3/mettwoch-de-doof-nuss.mpa.mp2'<br />mplayer -ao jack -srate 16000 '/home/alf/mp3/effeckt006.mp3'<br /><br />So far everything is excellent.<br /><br />How i do write my own DSP plugin for jack ?<br />I wanna use my DSP plugin at this point, where all input channels are mixed together .<br /><br />How my plugin can ioctl() detect current samplerate, <br />endianess, nr channels,<br />samples interleaved or not, ... and maybe some more stream parameters.<br /><br />How do compile jack plugins ?<br />What #include-s must be used ?<br />If my plugin will grow, and eat more and more CPU, how i prevent x-runs ?<br /><br />Is somewhere _simple_ C example how i can write jack plugins ?<br />In simplest case - <br />what is minimal program where i do each sample divide by 2 <br />( or for 16bit short type just shift sample>>1 )<br /><br />Tnx in advance.<br />Alf<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ----</div>
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