Hey,<br><br>In my own pet project I've abstracted things like samplerate, sample time, MIDI time and anything else to<br>one value, which I've lovingly named "beatPercent". Its a single "float" variable.<br>
<br>The value itself is the musical "beat" of the event, and the "Percent" part, is how far along that beat the event occurs.<br>Of course depending on samplerate etc etc there may be a (tiny) discrepancy in this "percent" value, but I can<br>
happily live with that. <br><br>Keep in mind that the project only deals with standard 4 / 4 music, and I've no intrest in weird but wonderful timing<br>games. I wanted something that would abstract away all jack_nframes, timer ticks etc and I could easily work with.<br>
<br>I haven't found any big drawbacks yet, but I'm not trying to develop SMPTE or MTC or anything either, so there may<br>be issues that I haven't come across yet.<br><br>Hope that was of some help, -Harry<br>