<p>Hi everyone!</p>
<p>I have been using AlsaModularSynth for the past several years and I just love the sound of its internal modules... But AlsaModularSynth is a bit old looking, and it doesn't support LV2...</p>
<p>On the other hand, Ingen looks brilliant, but I have never been able to recreate what I was able to do with AMS... I always had some weird issues to set a simple VCO/VCA/VCF setup...</p>
<p>I see two solutions to that problem :<br>
- integrate LV2 to AMS...<br>
- extract the AMS internal modules and create LV2 plugins from them...</p>
<p>From the quick study I have done of the AMS source code, that second solution seems "quite simple" (as quite simple can be!), but I have few questions before I start on this quest :<br>
- first of all, would porting the AMS modules to LV2 change the sound?<br>
- is it actually possible to do it? Or did I miss something?<br>
- what is the future of Ingen? Altough it has be around for a while, it is never available in official repositories of Ubuntu for example... Is Ingen more meant to be testing LV2 plugins or can it be uses as a proper modular synth? I believe only Ingen and AMS have this modular way of creating synthesis?<br>
- hmm, anything else I should consider?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for the help,</p>
<p>Aurélien </p>