Hey guys!<br>I'd like to chime in here.<br>No disrespect meant to anyone and to anyone's work, but the phrase along the lines of "there are a lot of people around who think it's perfectly ok to make money by using work of others without paying them" seems to be missing the point of GPL. The way I see it, the phrase instead should be something like: "there are a lot of people who want to take code, created with respect to other people's freedom, and turn it into proprietary." Money is irrelevant in this regard.<br>
<br>Not for the goal of being controversial, I would also like to add that I do think it is okay to make money by using work of others without paying them as long as the work is released to the public and not offered to you as work for hire.<br>
This is why I see any licenses that limit distribution and usage of creative work as undesirable and unfounded. Even things like GPL and CC seem to me like just lesser evil, as it still assumes that the author of the work can be considered an owner of his ideas and thus assumes that ideas can be property. This raises many-many problems, one of which is giving the author too much power over society.<br>
<br>-- <br>Louigi Verona<br><a href="http://www.louigiverona.ru/">http://www.louigiverona.ru/</a><br>