Hey!<br>I agree with most of the things you say. So all I have to do is just make my<br>point a little bit more clear.<br><br>GPL is necessary in the world of copyright. It is, thus, founded in this sense.<br>The copyright claim in itself - that ideas can be property - is unfounded.<br>
<br>The general claim - that implementations of ideas can be property - is,<br>in my view, also unfounded when the implementation itself is just a<br>collection of ideas, or, putting it more broadly, <i>when the implementation<br>
is an immaterial object</i>.<br>The concept of property, made towards anything immaterial, makes little<br>sense and is always found on some artificial unnecessary grounds, whereas<br>property of physical objects is a concept based on necessary grounds - the<br>
scarcity of physical objects (and thus the need for individual control of those objects).<br><br>An idea of a chair is implemented in a physical object. The concept of property<br>is applicable to the physical implementation of a physical object.<br>
<br>An ideas of an author are implemented in a physical book and that physical<br>book can be property.<br>But when the book becomes a file, the file stops being a physical object, to<br>which the concept of property can be applied.<br>
Strictly speaking, a file is still a physical object, but it is so small and so cheap<br>to duplicate, that it can effectively be considered as non-scarce.<br clear="all"><br>But usually people get convinced fairly easy that copyright is an artificial limitation.<br>
So any copyright/IP discussion really comes down to speaking about how<br>copyright as an artificial limitation can be founded. To put it simply: <b>why does one<br>think copyright is needed?</b><br><br>The only argument I hear is that without copyright people will not do creative work.<br>
And this argument is weak on many points, not to mention that it is has little<br>empirical evidence.<br><br>The opposite though - that creativity will flourish without copyright - has a vast amount<br>of empirical evidence.<br>
<br>Just to prevent some rightful criticism - it is true that demolition of copyright law might<br>decrease creativity on part of those people, who were motivated in a very specific way.<br>However, I would argue that it will in turn increase creativity on part of those people,<br>
who were de-motivated by copyright law, and my argument would be that the amount<br>of those people is much larger and that their output would be much more valuable.<br><br>-- <br>Louigi Verona<br><a href="http://www.louigiverona.ru/">http://www.louigiverona.ru/</a><br>