"One of the principal problem with capitalism is<br>
that the goal is the economy itself. So, in practice, the society<br>
doesn't have any goal and our work doesn't have any meaning, at the<br>
exception of archiving a goal that is not a goal but a tool."<br><br>Actually, this is something I can relate to. I don't know if you can say<br>it is about religion, but it is about looking at life from other than a<br>
purely financial point of view.<br><br>If we do reach a point in conversation where the need to touch upon<br>such issues will arrive, I think it might be worth doing it.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Louigi Verona<br><a href="http://www.louigiverona.ru/">http://www.louigiverona.ru/</a><br>