Hey guys!<br>I have worked several years as a web developer and continue to create personal projects actively.<br>What can I say - the web obviously has lots to offer. However, the client-side has more promises than<br>actual accomplishments, especially when it comes to cross-browser things.<br>
<br>Want it or not, even jQuery has problems, especially on (you guessed it) IE. The amount of hacks one needs<br>to put it to make even normal html look the same in FF and IE is enormous. Experienced html guys might not<br>
notice how much hacks they automatically put into the code.<br><br>Not to mention the memory problem. Browsers simply cannot handle as much memory as a desktop app can<br>and you never know if settings of the visitor of your web app will allow him to not have his browser crash.<br>
<br>As for graphics, each solution available today has loads of issues and nothing I've seen is satisfactory. Google<br>stuff is interesting, but how lasting it will be - nobody knows.<br><br>I would agree that the web has potential. I would agree that Java failed as a dream of an ultimate platform for all.<br>
But I would not agree that the web is there already today, nor that it is close. In terms of actual interaction it is<br>very, very far away from what even a Java tool like Processing can offer, not to mention all of Java.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Louigi Verona<br><a href="http://www.louigiverona.ru/">http://www.louigiverona.ru/</a><br>