Hey all,<br><br>I'm currently trying to fix the reverb in Luppp and I'm running into a rather strange bug:<br>I have an array of floats that is used to set the plugins parameters: its called controlBuffer.<br>The following code connects the ports to the addresses of the float buffer.<br>
<br>The crazy thing is: The print outs before & after the connect ports are different!<br>I don't understand how this is possible, but perhaps I'm missing something LADSPA.<br><br> cout << "Decay: " << controlBuffer[4] << " Wet: " << controlBuffer[8] << " Dry: " << controlBuffer[9]<br>
<< " preDelay: " << controlBuffer[10] << " highDamp " << controlBuffer[5] << endl;<br> <br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 0 , buffer );<br>
descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 1 , buffer );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 2 , &outputBuffer[0] );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 3 , &outputBufferR[0] );<br>
<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 4, &controlBuffer[4] );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 5, &controlBuffer[5] );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 6, &controlBuffer[6] );<br>
descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 7, &controlBuffer[7] );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 8, &controlBuffer[8] );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle , 9, &controlBuffer[9] );<br>
descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle ,10, &controlBuffer[10] );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle ,11, &controlBuffer[11] );<br> descriptor -> connect_port ( pluginHandle ,12, &controlBuffer[12] );<br>
<br> cout << "Decay: " << controlBuffer[4] << " Wet: " << controlBuffer[8] << " Dry: " << controlBuffer[9]<br> << " preDelay: " << controlBuffer[10] << " highDamp " << controlBuffer[5] << endl;<br>
<br>Example Output:<br>Decay: 4.7685 Wet: 0.70709 Dry: 0.696707 preDelay: 50 highDamp 0<br>Decay: 1.5 Wet: 0.25 Dry: 1 preDelay: 0 highDamp 5000<br><br>The problem is that the reverb plugin doesn't react to my input parameters, but just processes based<br>
on the 1.5, 0.25 wet, preDelay 0, and highDamp 5000 *all* the time, and there's nothing I can do about it.<br><br>Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? I've tried connecting the ports every process(), once, and then leave them.<br>
I've hard coded values, it seems to make no difference.<br><br>These are the two relevant sources:<br><a href="https://github.com/harryhaaren/Luppp/blob/master/src/ladspahost.hpp">https://github.com/harryhaaren/Luppp/blob/master/src/ladspahost.hpp</a><br>
<a href="https://github.com/harryhaaren/Luppp/blob/master/src/ladspahost.cpp">https://github.com/harryhaaren/Luppp/blob/master/src/ladspahost.cpp</a><br><br>Help appreciated! -Harry<br>