Thanks for the help Yann. I think that could be made clearer in the docs, the exact message you are supposed to send for idiots like me. <br><br>Anyway, I don't seem to be getting any response from it.<br><br>I compiled noise.dsp to a jackgtk application and I am using the oscsend and oscdump utilities provided by liblo.<br>
I tried all of these without success:<br><br>oscsend localhost 5510 "/*" s hello<br>oscsend localhost 5510 "/*" s get<br>oscsend localhost 5510 "/a" s get<br>oscsend 5510 / s hello<br>
oscsend 5510 / s get<br>oscsend 5510 "/a" s get<br>oscsend 5510 "/*" s get<br>oscsend 5510 "/*" s get<br>oscsend `hostname` 5510 "/*" s get<br>
.<br>.<br>.<br><br>Could it be because the wildcard expansion isn't supported by liblo? Am I supposed to do something special at compile time?<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Kaspar<br>