<div dir="ltr">Hi there!,<br><br>I want to optimize JACK capabilities in running Linux PCs. <br>What JACK configuration parameters do I have to vary (and in what way) to achieve that?<br>(by "that" I mean: minimum latency, zero noise and zero xruns).<br>
I'm looking for something like a "standard procedure"...<br>...not just trying all the possible configurations of JACK and picking up the most convenient. <br>(... maybe an "autoJACKtuning" program can be done for this purpose, but there MUST be a procedure to follow)<br>
Maybe you just can't tune the best of every system by following the same pattern, but making the average best is what i'm looking for.<br><br>I'm working in a program that's a metronome that reacts to human synchronization errors (to the very same metronome).<br>
That errors are just some milliseconds, and a further advance in the program would need reacting as quickly as that - Fast!.<br>In some ways, the program is similar to a tap-tempo thing, but it's meant for synchronization experiments.<br>
That experiments are aimed at researching how do people sync themselves to outer stimuli, like... the beat of a song.<br>Results of that can end up in cool stuff - e.g., the possibility of making the sync of drum-machines REALLY human-like.<br>
<br>Well...<br>This program should be as "portable" as it can be.... but I'm having trouble with some audio cards.<br>I don't think powerful sound cards are needed for this task... the bottleneck seems much more of a OS scheduling thing.<br>
I turned to JACK because of the promised low latencies and throughput (and an easy API)...<br>... but sometimes the audio crackles, has xruns, can't get it to work even with high latency, etc... and I don't have a clue about what to vary to fix that.<br>
<br>Besides that, I'm kind of a musician too and it seems everybody who uses JACK wants low low low latency and good sound, so a "guide" to tune up that would be a step forward to the self promotion of JACK-based software.<br>
<br><br>Sorry for my Neanderthal-ish English<br>and cheers from Argentina,<br><br>Trece.<br></div>