[LAU] pd, linux, graphics hardware.

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Sat May 10 14:29:27 EDT 2008

Am Samstag, 10. Mai 2008 schrieb Ken Restivo:
> I'm trying to baby this new Asus and I hope I get at least a few years out
> of it.  I do sweat quite a bit when gigging though. I'm keenly aware that,
> one pull on the wrong cable during, before, or after a show, and that'll
> probably be the end of it. I'm starting to play on the beach a lot, and I
> know I'm living dangerously.

While the asus are not as stable and robust as ThinkPads, they still last 
years. I carry mine in my normal backpack, pull them by the screen and 
generally "use" them. My first was in use for three years by me (bought Feb 
2002), went to my grandpa and is now back with me still working. The second 
one is now three years old and still works like on the first day. Even 
battery life hasn't changed much.

So while IBM (!= Lenovo) and Fujitsu-Siemens are as good as their reputation, 
Asus is better then its reputation. And lots of no-name laptops are in fact 

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