[LAU] Problems with Festige 0.4

Mike Cookson cook60020tmp at mail.ru
Sun Jun 20 16:14:32 UTC 2010

Hello all.
I installed festige 0.4 for ubuntu with removing fst package (since it contains it's own, patched one). When launched, it gives an error:

$ festige
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/festige/festige.py", line 111, in <module>
    ladish = os.getenv(HOME)+"/.festige"
NameError: name 'HOME' is not defined

This is actual also for other two users, one is osx-demo ( :) ), and other is for my motherm where I never work.
...But it works well under my other accont, which now I use only to have some settings (passwords, notes, etc).

I can't remember/find what bad things I made.
Downgrading to version 0.3 looks ugly.

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