[LAU] Ardour + sidechaining (SC3) and qualityloss

Jörn Nettingsmeier nettings at folkwang-hochschule.de
Fri Feb 18 14:25:17 UTC 2011

On 02/18/2011 09:44 AM, Gabbe Nord wrote:
> Hey guys!
> Recently started some form of  electroproject in ardour, and as always
> sidechaining is needed. Right now I'm routing everything that's to be
> sidechained (which is everything but the kick lol) into a 3-channel bus
> with a SC3 on connected to the kick. The sidechaining works, but i
> actually get a very noticable quality loss and thining of the
> stereoimage from using the SC3..

just to make sure: the panning of your busses is correct? (i.e. hard 
left and right?)
if you're trying parallel compression: are you aware that ardour busses 
do not have latency compensation? so if you have other plugins in there 
that do look-ahead, or maybe a jack insert, you will get comb filtering 
when you recombine the bus outs with a direct signal path.



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