[LAU] Keystroke or MIDI-controlled reverb/flange/etc. filter capability?

Jonathan E. Brickman jeb at ponderworthy.com
Wed Nov 30 04:26:55 UTC 2011

Greetings.  I have a need to turn on/off multiple software audio filters 
(reverb, flange, chorus, et al.) using either computer keystrokes or 
MIDI control signals.  Anyone have a way?  I've looked at GUI automation 
of calfjackhost instances and several other things, but have not found 
anything likely to work very well.

Jonathan E. Brickman
/Ponderworthy Music/ <http://ponderworthy.com>
805 SW Jewell Ave
Topeka KS 66606-1610
jeb at ponderworthy.com <mailto:jeb at ponderworthy.com>
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