[LAU] [slightly OT] Musical citation (what is allowed?)

Renato rennabh at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 15:13:35 UTC 2011

On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:46:26 +0000
Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsutton at gmail.com> wrote:

> I once heard a story of Italian
> collecting society SIAE 'inspectors' bursting in at a no-profit
> charity party who were simply playing CDs on their stereo and fining
> them some hundreds euro!!

if the CDs were original, what was the problem?

Anyway I agree these copyright infringment stories that were mentioned
in this thread are crazy... Isn't copying and burrowing from others a
*substantial* part of art? While it's right to give credit where it's
due, it just seems ridicoulous to fine someone because of 4 notes that
had allready been played


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