[LAU] another cpu question

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sun Sep 14 15:20:26 UTC 2014

On Sun, 14 Sep 2014, Eric Wong wrote:

> [1] that said, I'm curious why ECC hasn't taken off in the audio world...

Most people in the audio world do not use specialized computers. Those who 
use the mac do so because they feel someone made multimedia work on that 
platform. Those who use something else are not willing to pay apple's 
premium. So not too many people are willing to spend the money to grab a 
server class MB either. When the gamers start using it, the price will 
start to go down. The reality though, is that Audio, takes a lot less 
horse power than we think. I have been surprised at how well my 3.4Ghz i5 
still works when set to a solid 800Mhz, even my old 1.6ghz atom does very 
good audio work with it's one core at 800Mhz (800mhz seems to be the 
lowest speed on these things).

A quick note on heat/power and speed. It seems that less heat is generated 
at a higher stable speed than a slightly lower changing speed. Running one 
core at a slower speed than the rest gives more heat than all of them at 
the higher speed together. Running with the cpu governor in "performance" 
mode may use a bit more power at idle than "ondemand", but it uses less 
power (makes less heat) at high cpu usage.

Len Ovens

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