[LAU] Slow but pitch-correct video playback

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at rocketmail.com
Tue Sep 23 19:12:27 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-09-23 at 11:47 -0700, Bob van der Poel wrote:
> Much easier to learn to read music and learn the basics of piano
> playing!​

It won't show you what a video with animations does show you, when it is
done by masterclass folks. And this is not only good for masterclass
people who share their knowledge with other folks on the same level,
it's also good for beginners with artistical gifts, who don't think in a
way to learn in "school style" (left vs right cerebral hemisphere ...
especially for people who can't read music, e.g. regarding to perception
disorder, such as dyslexia, when the notes become ants running around
the sheet). And as already pointed out, books or paying a teacher is
muuuuuch more expensive than a video or iThingy app.

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