[LAU] DrumGizmo 0.9.20 released

Bent Bisballe Nyeng deva at aasimon.org
Thu Sep 8 21:52:01 CEST 2022

DrumGizmo 0.9.20 Released!

DrumGizmo is an open source, multichannel, multilayered, cross-platform
drum plugin and stand-alone application. It enables you to compose drums
in midi and mix them with a multichannel approach. It is comparable to
that of mixing a real drumkit that has been recorded with a multimic setup.

This release was originally intended as a bugfix release, but quite a 
few features also managed to find their way in.

Noteworthy bugs that has been fixed:
   * Software regression error in cymbal choke code has been fixed. So 
now choking of cymbals using both directed chokes and after-touch midi 
events work again as expected.
   * A compilation error due to an update in LV2 API (we used an 
obsolete LV2 type) has been fixed, so now compilation should work for 
everybody again.
   * Code can now properly be compiled with NSL support disabled at 
configure time.
   * Compilation with the modern gcc-11 compiler has been fixed.

As usual read the detailed description of all the new shiny features,
see the detailed changelog: [1].

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.20!!! [2]

[1]: https://drumgizmo.org/wiki/doku.php?id=changelog:drumgizmo-0.9.20
[2]: https://drumgizmo.org/wiki/doku.php?id=getting_drumgizmo
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