<div dir="ltr">Hello<br><br>I'd like to ask a few questions about Ardour and Linuxsampler.<br><br>I have compiled them both, and notice something.<br>Linuxsampler gives me "Detected features: disabled at compile time" when I started in in commandline.<br>
It should have given me "Detected features: MMX SSE SSE2". I think it is caused by the configure script<br>failing to detect my cpu because there is "#define ARCH_X86 0" in my config.h.<br>So I fixed it by adding ARCH_X86 1 in it and recompiled.<br>
<br>In ardour I cannot choose the denormal handling options because they are greyed out.<br>And starting ardour2 from the commandline gives me<br><br>ardour: [INFO]: Ardour will be limited to 1024 open files<br>loading system configuration file /usr/local/etc/ardour2/ardour_system.rc<br>
loading user configuration file /home/shani/.ardour2/ardour.rc<br>ardour: [INFO]: No H/W specific optimizations in use<br>Warning: Unable to create "trees" RDF storage.<br>Performance can be improved by upgrading librdf.<br>
<br>I figure that ardour too did not detect my cpu correctly at compile time.<br>But I'm not sure what to do here.<br><br>My question is, is it the fault of my system not giving the appropriate info so that the configure script<br>
could not detect the cpu?<br><br>For Linuxsampler, is there an appropriate way to fix it instead of editing the config.h manually.<br>
Perhaps I should have used --build=something when running ./configure?<br><br>Ardour, I run scons with DIST_TARGET = 'x86_64' though, so why did it not able to detect my cpu?<br>
<br>Oh, I've seen "Warning: Unable to create "trees" RDF storage" message a lot, is there something wrong?<br><br>Thank you<br></div>