Hi,<br><br>I've just published a free software that can recognize notes recorded by an audio input device in real time.<br><br>It's here : <a href="http://davidferaoun.free.fr/eric/zik/voice2midi.php" target="_blank">http://davidferaoun.free.fr/eric/zik/voice2midi.php</a><br>
<br>This may interest users (it's can be used freely) and developers if they want to put it into a bigger audio program.<br><br>There
are 2 releases : signed applet and stand-alone. Both work on my PC, but
sometimes it seems that the signed applet may cause a browser crash.<br>
<br>The source code (in java) is available for download. <br>( Btw: I use a java FFT library from the online book <a href="http://www.cs.princeton.edu/introcs/97data/FFT.java.html">http://www.cs.princeton.edu/introcs/97data/FFT.java.html</a> but I don't know its license. Sorry )<br>
<br>Best regards,<br><br>Eric