I have a question about running linux in ram.<br><br><br>The Scenario.<br><br>I'm researching building a dedicated Lsampler box, running headless, with netjack doing the ins and outs.<br><br>Given the usually large templates i run (full orchestra), including a lot of articulations, i'm wondering how feasible it would be to build a barebones Linux OS, with linuxsampler as the sole app, more or less, (and required libs, etc...), and run the entire thing in ram, that is, the OS, Lsampler, and samples. <br>
<br>Is this possible, and if someone's already tried this in some form or other successfully or otherwise, could you share some experiences, pros and cons, etc... ? <br><br>I would be doing all this in Linux 64bit, if it has some decent advantages.<br>
<br>Alex.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Parchment Studios (It started as a joke...)<br>