A quick and somewhat ruefully embarrasing question.<br><br>I'm going through my old executable scripts, rebuilding an auto startup for a sequence of apps and associated templates for my new debian 32bit build.<br><br>But i'm stuck on a really simple one i haven't used in a script before.<br>
<br>Jconv.<br><br>I'd like to do the following:<br><br>blah@blah $ cd ir<br>blah@blah/ir $ jconv concert3.conf<br><br>as an automated script, so i need to cd to the relavent directory, then provoke jconv into all it's formidable glory.<br>
<br>I'm going through my bash commands manual, but can't find out how to cd to a directory and enact a command, all in one go.<br><br>I know this is simple stuff, so apologies in advance for the really dumb question.<br>
<br>Alex.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Parchment Studios (It started as a joke...)<br>