Yes, I join the chorus of the others in enjoying this piece of Prog rock. The organs are really amazing, as well as the sound of the acoustic guitar - nice and clean and natural.<br><br>I personally like the 'eastern' hint in the melody and the attention to detail in the structure and performance of the composition. Nothing is left to chance (I like formality in music, I guess:-)<br>
<br>What I only personally miss is in the production domain (I downloaded the flac) - it seems to me that there are not enough low frequencies in the overall mix - I don't know how were you doing the master track, but more bass presence (50-250hz) would give a warmer as well as more contemporary feeling, I believe.<br>
<br><br>-- <br>Viktor Mastoridis<br>Music-o-Graph <br>& Educator<br><a href="http://www.MediTera.Co.Uk">www.MediTera.Co.Uk</a><br>