<br>Hey all,<br><br>I've got a <a href="http://www.frontierdesign.com/Products/AlphaTrack" target="_blank">Frontier Design Alphatrack</a>, which is supported on Linux using a kernel module.<br>I got that to compile & insert no problem, the AlsaSeq client shows up, reading data from the<br>
device is 100% perfect and time-accurate.<br><br>The problems start when I send messages back to the device, (to print on screen, or turn on LEDS etc).<br>Sometimes the device reacts pretty quickly, but usually it takes a second or more before the screen updates,<br>
or the fader moves. In extreme cases it takes a good 5-7 seconds before there's any respone in the unit.<br><br>I'm positive the commands I'm sending are perfect, as Python & C++ have both been used to issue the commands,<br>
and the Python version works on Windoze. <br><br>Does anybody have this too? Does anybody have good experiences with the Alphatrack? I'd appreciate any\all feedback.<br>Cheers, -Harry<br><br>