(I am cross-posting to make sure evr1 gets it)<br><br>Guys,<br><br>You have shared (and keep sharing) your 'trade' secrets with me and all of us here unselfishly, and here are my 5p<br><br>There is a songwriting competition where the search is for good songs recorded on guitar/vocal or piano/vocal only.<br>
<br>So, bare bones only, no stardust production fx.<br><br>It looks v interesting and promising, pricing is reasonable and details are here:<br><br><a href="http://www.eskal-8.com/">http://www.eskal-8.com/</a> (click on Production)<br>
<br>Good luck<br clear="all">---<br>Viktor Mastoridis<br>---------------------<br>Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year<br>Убав Божиќ и Среќна Нова Година<br>Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Ετος<br>