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I was a system administrator of a computer that had a (legally!)
licensed version of M.x/MS., which includes an anti-piracy system (the
logo was a dog, IIRC). To me was simpler to use a cracked version,
because any change on the system (thing that usually happened in that
PC) requires to contact the vendor (C.cl.ng 74) to ask for a new phrase
to use it. Once I needed to use in a weekend, but I couldn't receive a
key until the next week! Even if you buy the program, even if they
don't give you the code, you are still not even the owner of the
executable. :(<br>
And I did just a google search... It looks like there is a lot of
unhappy legal users of programs that complains about the software
vendors that uses that technologies [1] [2] <br>
There you can read similar things, like: "So now, the dongle is causing
paying customers more trouble than the people illegitimately aquiring
the software!"<br>
Or in [3]: "P.C. doesn’t stop piracy; any copy-protection system can,
and will be, defeated. What P..E does do is prevent legitimate users of
software products from using products which they’ve paid for."... <br>
But something specially caught my attention of that site is the start:
"<b>Updated: A PA.. Anti-Piracy official has officially requested that
we remove an image of the i.ok product...</b>". That's from 2007 (and I
don't think they had any NDA). Some companies have exactly the same
(stup.d) behavior today than 3 years ago (the year of the censured
mail), that's sad. :(<br>
Best regards,<br>
PS: I don't want to cause problems to anyone, so I didn't used any
name. But what I wrote/quoted is what I always thought about that
anti-piracy systems. And I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one. <br>
PS2: Thanks to all the linux developers to give to the users free
[1] <a href="http://forums.dontcrack.com/index.php?showtopic=1450">Fair
[2] <a href="http://www.cubase.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=92977">Dongle
[3] <a
to Users: Boycott iI.ok and P.-.CE</a><a