Hey again,<br><br>Thanks a lot to everyone for weighing in with this, really interesting stuff.<br><br>I guess the kind of term I'm looking for is something that would make it obvious to a 'lay' person, what the individual who has a more creative approach to the desk does. Which I think would then widen the concept that there is more to the use of the mixer and associated goodies than creating what is a simulcrum of a recording. Within the dub fraternity there is already appreciation of that role but I feel it's a little too genre specific. 'Mass controller' is a great phrase though I would have to say that M.C. is surely Master of Ceremonies originally?<br>
<br>Within contemporary classical music there are some fantastic parts within scores for the mixer and associated fx though they are always (so far in my research) titled for the objects rather than an individual. Stockhausen and Trevor Wishart being 2 good examples.<br>
<br>There is also an educational aspect for me to this. I, as I am sure are many other people, somewhat concerned about the exponential rise in places within higher education for sound engineers and the number of studios that are closing down. Will most trainee sound engineers experience of running a serious desk only come from coursework? I like the idea that it should be possible to expand musical horizons in many directions and that many people who do music tech should view this as creative training rather than technical. My experience is that many people come into these courses via making music rather than a background of maths and physics, so why shoehorn individuals into roles they aren't suited too? I'm wandering and thinking aloud here:)<br>
<br>Could this just be titled as 'live producer'?<br><br>Cheers again, I'm finding this all fascinating.<br><br>Very best wishes,<br><br>Jb<br><br><br>