Hey list,<br><br>I recently discovered Ninjam, a non-realtime (non realtime in the sense you play over the previous bar that someone else played and vice versa) internet jamming app available for linux, windows and mac. Software is Open-source and licensed under the GPL (which version, I'll have to check the sources) and the audio generated from licenced under the "<font size="-1"> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/">Attribution, Noncommercial, Share Alike Creative Commons License v2.5</a>". <br>
<br>Inb4 license flamewars.<br><br>Anyway, I find it absolutely great fun jamming with all sorts of people with all sorts of instruments (trumpet, anyone?). A JACK-ified version was also hacked together by a kind soul on the forums (absolute god-send!).<br>
<br>Now back to the topic. Basically, all the jams are automatically recorded, cut up and placed onto the website and can be streamed here: <a href="http://autosong.ninjam.com/">http://autosong.ninjam.com/</a><br><br>I had this absolutely hilarious solo duel with a guitarist who went by the name Will. Then a bass player, a second guitarist, trumpet player and drum machine joined in and it escalated from there. I was lucky enough to have recorded all 2 hours and 25 minutes of it or so, but it's probably already on the site (search a day or three back!).<br>
<br>Ok, I'll shut up now!<br><br>Andrew.<br></font>