MIDIOX has two functions MF2T and T2MF that will convert a midi file to text and <br>back. These are windows/dos command line programs that should work with wine.<br><br>I used it to edit cakewalk generated midi files with windows notepad when I was <br>
first learning midi (before I switched to linux). The text files are easy to read and <br>edit if you understand the midi spec. <br> <a href="http://www.midiox.com/">http://www.midiox.com/</a><br><br>I started converting emacs asm86mode into a midi file mode with little success, <br>
but I still think it would be a good project.<br><br>-- Jeff Sandys<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><br>Christoph Kuhr said:<br><br>Hi everyone,<br><br>i want to textedit a qtractors miditrack clip.<br><br>is there any way?<br>
which textformat, if any?<br>no luck with nano (cryptic), gedit (unknown format)...<br><br>perhaps anyone knows another good tool for making MIDI CC tracks?<br></div>