"Yachebada"<br><br><a href="http://pfeyz.com/music/yachebada.mp3">http://pfeyz.com/music/yachebada.mp3</a><br><a href="http://pfeyz.com/music/yachebada.ogg">http://pfeyz.com/music/yachebada.ogg</a><br><br>Electric bass, two acoustic guitar tracks, two vocal tracks with some<br>
live coded buffer granulators in Supercollider, snare drum with delay<br>and distorted casiotone. Recorded in Ardour2 with a couple of plugins<br>for compression and a lil' EQ.<br><br>Reminds me of later-era Earth and the Boredoms.<br>
<br>If anybody knows of a language that "yachebada" sounds like something<br>in, let me know, because it's just improvisational gibberish.<br><br><br>paul<br>