Hello again,<br><br>We have had one very generous donation so far and I think we will change the game a bit. How about this, for every $10 US donation you will get entered into a drawing to have one of your songs mixed, the more you donate the more entries you get. This would be done by a professional mixing engineer with 14+ years of experience working in an all analog studio. Your track will be mixed using Ardour on a Linux machine and sent back to you as a complete session ready to be mastered. How about that? So, head over to <a href="http://opensourcemusician.libsyn.com">http://opensourcemusician.libsyn.com</a> and hit that Paypal link.<br>
<br>Again thanks to everyone for their time and for the donations.<br><br>Daniel Worth<br>Host<br>The Open Source Musician Podcast<br><a href="http://opensourcemusician.com">http://opensourcemusician.com</a><br>