<div style="margin-left: 40px;">Hi,<br>...<br><br>I'd like to fix some videos that have partially out of sync <br>video and audio, meaning that beginning at a certain point <br>in the video the audio is suddenly out of sync by a couple <br>
of seconds. There's no constant change, the delay seems <br>fixed once it's there.<br><br>I wonder how to fix such a thing. The files are xvid <br>encoded videos and vbr mp3 audio inside avi containers. <br>I thought it should be reasonably easy to cut and move the <br>
audio (re-encode if unavoidable, but I know it's in principle <br>possible without) and put it back in a container, but I didn't <br>manage.<br><br>Can someone recommend a program/workflow that would allow this?<br>
<br>I tried:<br>- Avidemux: ...<br>- openshot: ...<br>- kino: ...<br>- openmovieeditor: ...<br>- cinelerra-cv: ...<br>- pitivi: ...<br>- kdenlive: ...<br><br>I thought it would be a simple task, really nothing fancy. Seems like I<br>
was wrong.<br><br>Regards,<br>Philipp<br><br></div>Phillipp,<br>I had a problem with out of sync audio using a camera that recorded <br>using VBR. Avidemux was able to fix this with Audio/Build VBR Time Map <br> <a href="http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/doku.php?id=using:vbr_mp3">http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/doku.php?id=using:vbr_mp3</a><br>
<br>I can't move or stretch audio in Avidemux, but this time map function <br>fixed my out of sync problems.<br>-- Jeff<br><br><br>