I recently got a yamaha UX16 midi-to-usb bridge.<br>With nted (which is not jackified) it works ie I can have nted play a piece into my keyboard.<br>Likewise I can play the keyboard into nted and the notes get entered.<br>
<br>Now I want to do the same for musescore which is jackfied but cant figure out how to do so.<br>This is how my qjackctl shows:<br>Audio tab shows mscore (readable) connected to system (writeable)<br>[Also has a system readable connected to nothing]<br>
<br>Midi tab shows mscore readable and NOTHING writeable<br><br>Alsa tab shows midi through and UX16 readable<br>midi through, UX16 and timidity writeable.<br><br>So the problem is that if I could see UX16 and mscore in the same tab I'd connect them but UX16 only occurs in ALSA tab and mscore in midi and audio tabs but not in alsa.<br>
<br>So how to connect 'across tabs?'<br>