Replying to nobody in particular but perhaps bringing some new things to the table:<br><br>I feel there's a lot going on "just-under-the-surface" of what most of us know about. I presume not everybody here is aware of the advances FAUST has recently made in DomainSpecificLanguage technology. Similary I'm sure there's other projects having successes that I'm not aware of (despite being subscribed to all linux-audio feeds I know exist :) So are these "under-the-surface" technologies and workflows going to arise into public knowledge? If so, how? <br>
<br>The other things I feel is necessary is to bundle the community together: We need to agree on one place to post information: a central hub for linux-audio.<br><br>This location needs to have a certain appeal for newcomers, where inspiration strikes: "YES! With those tools I can achieve exactly what I've wanted for years!!" says the now enthusiastic and ISO downloading newcomer.<br>