@Patrick:<br><br>"The problem with that approach is that it tends to feed the negative<br>
attitude towards Linux and that is exactly what the "competition" want."<br><br>There is no competition, Patrick. Windows Audio does not compete with<br>Linux Audio. Only if in our minds. And thus they do not want anything.<br>
<br>There is no Windows Audio community, there is a Linux Audio community.<br>We try to compete with them. They do not compete with us.<br><br>Also, talking positive will not solve things. I see little value in promoting Linux Audio,<br>
for instance, for my electronic musician friends - I have to honestly tell them that<br>making the kind of music they do is not easy on Linux. I like it and I am doing it,<br>but I would not advertise Linux Audio as comparable to Windows Audio since it is<br>
simply not true.<br>