Hey Gabriel!<br><br>Fantastic stuff! I really enjoy the feel of style here, all tunes are different yet united by a similar approach, similar choice of instruments and mood. It's been a while since I listened to an album which would be more than just a collection of diverse tunes. "The Last Time" is deeply thoughtful, "9 Lives" is mesmerising, probably my favourite couple of tunes of the album. "Flow" is also very good.<br>
<br>Some tunes don't work like standalone compositions (maybe that was the intention) and ask for a vocal or something over them. Do you know there are communities like Jamendo and other sites where you can actually release minuses for potential vocalists to discover them?<br>
Also - do you know about din? It can sometimes be used to emulate a vocal or a nice solo if you do not want to sing. <a href="http://dinisnoise.org/">http://dinisnoise.org/</a><br><br clear="all">Anyway, impressive quality job and its a great demo of what one can do with Linux Audio! Thanks man!<br>
<br>-- <br>Louigi Verona<br><a href="http://www.louigiverona.ru/">http://www.louigiverona.ru/</a><br>